Monday, November 15, 2021

Quarterly Newsletter: Publishing News and Articles of Interest

Publishing Industry Headlines curated by Information Media Partners
Monday November 15, 2021

As much as any city, Portland, Ore., has been through hell. Its landmark store, Powell’s Books, must finally build a viable online business while recapturing its downtown success.

'Crucial time' for OA monographs (Research Information)

Without investment in pilots and without author engagement, we will reach a bad place. We will reach a world where all scientific work is free to read by the public, but all humanities work is prohibitively expensive.
Is Amazon Changing the Novel? (New Yorker)

In the new literary landscape, readers are customers, writers are service providers, and books are expected to offer instant gratification.
“Too Late to Stand Up Against Amazon”: (Vanity Fair)

Book-Industry Insiders Back the Biden Administration’s Bid to Stop a Publishing Mega-Merger. Has the Simon & Schuster deal with Penguin Random House hit the rocks?

Language technology is fast growing with demand fuelled by the pandemic. Edtech has grown into a record-breaking £197 billion industry
Information Media Partners is a boutique consulting company delivering business strategy solutions for publishing, media and information companies and other media-related companies.  Contact Michael Cairns if you have a project to discuss.  Clients include: John Wiley, Cengage, Reed Elsevier, Simon & Schuster, Private Equity Investors, Ingenta, Klopotek.
Check out my interview with Klopotek Radio where I discuss digital transformation in publishing and who I would like to invite to dinner. 
Watch The Future of the Textbook (video) where I interview Norwegian Publisher Aschehoug's Editor-in-Chief Arne Fredrik Nilsen about the future of print, augmented reality and blended learning in education publishing.
Our recent project for The Book Industry Study Group (video) determined that there is room for an industry-led improvement effort in the form of  for cost elimination, process efficiencies and ecological sustainability  A few booksellers have improved their returns process and  reaped some benefits. If approached universally, the industry could achieve significant gains.
The Annual  Publishing Technology Market Report is available.  In it, we identify more than 100 of the top software companies offering ERP, Order to Cash, Subscriptions, Product Information, Contract Rights & Royalties and Content Management solutions for publishers and profile 30 companies in detail. Use discount code PTReport21 for a reduced price.
Digital is coming for your textbook. The textbook is a very, very reliable medium to educate students and to facilitate the distribution of content to students. Publishing analyst Michael Cairns recently examined the latest developments in the creation, sourcing, and delivery of textbooks. (Interview) And, Digital First Textbooks (Interview)
Other Publishing News and Commentary
Flipboard Magazine:

A curated selection of articles on publishing, media and industry trends taken from a cross section of magazines, journals, websites and newspapers. (Link)
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